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2019 Reunion
Sep 14

2019 Reunion

The next RHC70s reunion will be on September 14th and 15th 2019. Attendee list in the 2019 Reunion Badge...


The next RHC70s reunion will be on September 14th and 15th 2019. Attendee list in the 2019...

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  • There were almost 300 people at the 2016 reunion - though not everyone was up for the breakfast photo on the Sunday morning. 2019 will hopefully be even bigger and we'll do better at organising the group photo!!

    Provided the residual parts of Cameron and Athlone are still standing most of the event will take place in those - now renamed The Hub, Imagine and Medicine. We still hope to have the Sunday morning breakfast in Founders and to generally follow the same format as the recent events.

    It's a great opportunity to get together with old friends and meet new ones, there were multiple mini-reunions taking place within the overall event so it's an excellent opportunity to get together with others you knew well within the framework of the bigger event - without having to do most of the organising yourself.

    Draft schedule

  • Category
  • Date & Time
    Sep 14 2019 at 12:00 AM - Sep 15 2019 at 04:00 PM
  • Location & full address
    The Hub, Royal Holloway College
  • Event Admins
    Jon Cutter