rhc65-85.org  ..the alternative name for ...

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Some changes to the website

You may have noticed that there have been some changes around here - us pensioners have to find something to occupy our time particularly when there are so many restrictions on the freedom to just live as freely as we used to. 

I hope most of you find the site easier to use; the changes should make it easier to find your way around if you use a smaller screen on a tablet or mobile device. I mostly use a desktop so sometimes there has been insufficient testing on other devices and there will be some which I still haven't been able to test on so please let me know of any problems that you find. I intend to slowly work my way right through the site to make it easier to use and navigate.

Another change you may notice is the alternate site name of rhc65-85.org. This is to be more inclusive and it was not something I'd given much thought to until John Parker (who's organising the 2022 reunion) mentioned that he and a number of the alumni that were students right at the end of the seventies and into the eighties may get an initial impression that the site was not intended for them as well. The alternate name is just that - the rhc70s name will remain but most of the promotion for the next reunion will use the rhc65-85 naming.

I am also adding more details about the campus and the buildings. In doing so I have been surprised to discover just how much of the land on the other side of the A30 is college owned. I had always thought there were just a number of houses that were used by various departments for lectures and seminars but it seems that those houses were actually mostly small estates using up all the land opposite the campus other than the pub (The Packhorse, now but possible other names over the years)  and the student union acquired that a few years ago. I am mapping out some of that history in a new section called 'The Buildings'. The section will also trace the history of the campus from mostly woodland and parkland to what it has become. 

It would be great to have any contributions to add to some of these sections as my knowledge is appallingly scant so if anyone would like to write some articles do let me know; there must be some arts graduates with a much better grasp of article writing than I posess and the site could do with someone who can produce some intersting content.

John Parker is hoping to be able to sort out all the details for the next reunion and the most likely date will be September 10th / 11th 2022 so it's worth pencilling that in your diaries now and let's hope it is able to proceed without the need for too many limitations.

PS. I have now trimmed the beard and had a haircut but quite enjoyed my return to hippy-dom during the lockdown.