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June 2020

It seems quite strange after three months of lock-down and social distancing to look back at our past reunions and recall how so many "elderly" people could possibly think it was a good idea to gather together in a confined space and hug and exchange greeting with others that we had known 40 or 50 years ago.

I had promised myself that one of the things that I would get done during this enforced isolation was to update the RHC70s website to make it easier to use and, more importantly, easier to use as a mechanism to keep in touch with friends. Needless to say that has not happened but this is at least a start to make some changes that suggests that I am not completely ignoring the site.

I will be tidying things up so that all the stuff about reunions is in the reunions section and nowhere else as at the moment that is one thing that immediately looks as if nothing has been done on the site since last September.

I had thought that the supply of photos that we would ever receive had dried up completely but was pleasantly surprised to see that more had turned up - thanks to June Poree. The enforced isolation is, of course, an excellent time to do some sorting out - so others of you out there that still have some old pictures stashed away please do share them. If you need technical help to do that then just get in touch.

I have spent the last three months (among other things) clearing out my garden shed that was full of boxes that were put in there temporarily when we had an extension built. That was 25 years ago and still they were there. Among lots of old children's things and bits and pieces that I had little use for (but couldn't bring myself to throw away) I cam across a set of old student day posters and some rolls of lining paper that I'd had blu-tacked to the walls of my various college rooms that had been used for writing quotes, witterings and doodles that various visitors had created. They are in a bit of a state but I plan to take pictures of them and add to the site (who knows when!!) but it would be great if anyone who recalls doing any of them would step forward.

It is yet to be seen whether we can hold any more reunions - until a vaccine for COVID-19 is available it seems unlikely that mass gatherings of us old people will be encouraged any time soon and whilst John Parker has volunteered to take on the task of organising the next event I'm not sure that it will be able to go ahead - and certainly not in its current form.

I hope you all remain well - but that seems a fairly lame hope at the moment - and that we will all be able to get together again sometime but in the meantime if you do visit the website then please leave a comment or a status in the community section to let us all know how you are getting on.