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About time for an update!

It's been 15 months since I put anything on the blog page but the time is coming when I'll have to get back into the groove of updating it regularly to keep you informed of what's happening on the website and in preparation for the next reunion.

I have just updated all the software on the website so you'll notice some changes and hopefully a lot of the various bugs will be cleared out of the way. If you do come across anything strange then please let me know. A lot of different problems occur depending on what sort of device you're using - particularly because of the range of different screen sizes that are now available - and the different browsers on those different devices. I test any changes on my home computer and phone before I introduce them but that only represents a fraction of the devices that you may be using. If you do have a problem or something looks weird then please let me know what device you are using, what operating system and what browser the problem occurs on so I can try to replicate it and figure out what's happening. I have extended the hosting agreement on the website so it will keep going until the start of 2020 and then I'll need to decide what to do next.

Preparations for the 2019 reunion are underway. The dates remain the same at September 14th and 15th. The Student Union hire costs for Medicine and Stumble have more than doubled but I'm hoping that we'll be able to come to a sensible arrangement that gives us the same access as before without the need to put up the ticket prices too dramatically. Catering and accommodation costs have gone up a little but no more than expected. I hope to finalize the prices early in the new year so that tickets can go on sale reasonably early.

On a very positive note we have a volunteer to pick up the organisation of reunions after 2019 so hopefully this will not be the last one. I must admit I am looking forward to the opportunity to come to a reunion where I have no responsibilities for the way it goes - but that's still 4 years away so no peace yet. I'll provide more details about the new organiser in a future blog entry.

The reunions remain open for all those who were students between 1965 (the year males undergraduates were first allowed) and 1985 (when the merger with Bedford took place). For the 2019 reunion a group called 'The Pioneers' (This is the group of alumni who started in 1965) may merge their reunion with the standard 'RHC70s' event rather than organise their own specific event. The Pioneer group are sounding out their members to see whether this appeals to all of them, many of them have attended previous RHC70 events but never as a complete group.

I'll try to provide updates here more regularly in the run up to next September and you will inevitably find the number of emails you get from me increase during the period as well - for those of you who use work email addresses for either the website or other correspondence then please remember to update your details when you retire or change jobs so I can continue to pester you.

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