rhc65-85.org  ..the alternative name for ...

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Royal Holloway College between 1965 and 1985

Welcome to a website for the ever older alumni of Royal Holloway College who were not only students at this fantastic college at some point between 1965 and 1985 but also remember, if only vaguely, what a wonderful time they used to have.

If you are lucky enough to be in this category and have not already registered on the site then please scroll down for some more information on how to do so. If you are already registered then sign in above to access the rest of the site.

For those privileged to have spent some of the most formative years of their lives at the college it will always hold fond, but sadly, increasing vague, memories of the campus, its buildings and the ever changing community of the student body. This web site will hopefully appeal to those racing towards dementia who now require the occasional memory jogger to recall that they too were once young.

The site will hopefully re-establish old and long lost friendships, gather together anecdotes, memories and photographs that have long been buried in attics and share them amongst a reasonable limited audience. The site will also keep people informed of past and future reunions. To help maintain the dignity of the aging alumni, areas of the site featuring memorabilia and photographs require registration (and that's limited to those who were there at the time).

The Founders building and parts of the campus

The Founders building and parts of the campus

What can you see without registering?

Tslide1 croppedhe simple answer is - not a lot!

You can see this home page, in the 'College' section you can see a bit about the College's history, the campus grounds and generic information about the Founders building and under the 'Reunions' section you can see some broad detail about the next reunion - and that's it.

There are about 1200 alumni from the '65 - '85 period registered on the site and once registered you can see who they are and use the site to make contact with those you remember. You can see a lot more about the halls of residence and other buildings around the campus and a lot more detail about the various reunions that have taken place over the last 15 years. There is a huge collection of photos from the 60s, 70s and 80s taken by alumni at the time as well as those taken at recent reunions.

The site is independent of the College but they do confirm your alumni details to us when you register (not always that quickly). If you are registered with the College's Alumni Team then the process is a little faster (you can do so link under 'Home' in the menu above) otherwise you have to convince the site admin that you really were there! We do share your registration details with the College - unless you ask us not to - we do not share any other details with anybody else. 

Why register - some questions answered

If you are an alumni from the 1965 - 1985 period it is the only way you can use the site. There is a mass of information and memorabilia about how the college was during that period and what has been happening to some of the alumni since.

It is also where the details about the next reunion will be available.

We want to protect the photos and information from those to whom it is not relevant and maintain the privacy of the alumni.