The printing of badges for the reunion is now underway so that preparation can begin.
The badges that I didn't have photos for are having the pictures of Thomas Holloway and Jane Holloway replaced with cartoon drawings and sketches taken from issues of Chateau (remember the old house magazine) published during the 70s. If you don't want one of the cartoons on your badge then please either let me have a suitable photo to put on it or let me know your favourite LP from your student days and I'll replace the cartoon with the LP cover - provided I have it in time.
If you've not booked your overnight room then you need to do it soon or take your chances that you'll find somewhere local.
If you know of anyone who does not yet have a ticket then get them to buy it while the tickets are still available. We have already exceeded the capacity of the main dining hall so will be setting up a second serving point for the meal in Imagine with some larger groups sitting down there so we can manage the numbers and make sure there is a good atmosphere in both eating locations. We can probably cope with another 20 - 25 people but after that will need to consider stopping the sale of tickets.